In September, the County Youth Team launched Mission: YouShape, our youth shaped strategy. Scouts is a movement centred around young people, so it should be natural that young people are at the centre of what we do. You can find the strategy here!
At the start of October, we launched the YouShape award – an award all about ensuring that young people have opportunities to plan, lead and represent during their time in their section! We’ve been making noise about this on our social media pages (Facebook and Twitter) and will keep sharing information about the award in the weeks to come. You can find out more about the award at scouts.org.uk/youshape
On the 6th November, we’ll be holding our first ever County Youth Conference. This online event for Scouts, Explorers and Network will help our young people discover more about the opportunities available to them as they move through the sections and give them a chance to give vital feedback on Scouts right here in Cornwall. We plan to have workshops through the day too, including media and communications, top awards and youth governance. It would be amazing to see new faces on this online conference! Scouts, Explorers and Network can sign up to the conference here.
Through December we’re all undoubtedly going to be very busy, so we haven’t planned anything too large to support youth shaped Scouts – but will be sharing hints and tips about how we can listen to feedback from our young people at the end of the term and look forward to starting the new year and new term with our best foot forward!
As ever, if there are any questions about how we’re making Cornwall Scouts more Youth Shaped, or if you would like some support, you can either contact your District Youth Commissioner or contact our County Youth Commissioner at youth@cornwallscouts.org.uk