At the moment we do not have a badge for our Scouting at Home Award and we want you to design it.
So get your pens and pencils out and get creative!
You can download an Entry Form here.
• Must use no more than 6 colours.
• Must include the Cornwall Scouts Logo.
• Must work at the size indicated.
• Should represent the positive nature of the award.
• Must not include any reference (written or visual) to Coronavirus or Covid-19
• Should indicate a border colour.
Entries must be submitted via email to us by Midnight on Friday 31 July 2020.
The competition is open to any youth member of The Scouts – Beavers to Network. Entries after the closing date will not be accepted.
Once entries have closed, all entries will be narrowed down to a shortlist which will be put to a public vote. The winning design will then be the badge with the most public votes.
The badge will then be digitized before being produced to be available to everyone completing the award. While every effort will be made to keep all elements of the badge, it may be necessary to adjust some areas in order for the badge to be produced, where practical any changes will be carried out in consultation with the original designer. By entering the competition, you give Cornwall Scouts the rights to use your artwork free of charge in any way they see fit in connection with the Scouting at Home award and any associated activities.